Louis Hotel

products in category Louis Hotel


Yes, after you have selected a voucher template, you can write an individual, personal greeting text or use the example in the text box.

Yes, with many of our vouchers you have the option of personalizing them with your own photo.

Yes, you have the option of including your own video greeting to the recipient in the gift voucher.

  1. Record a video greeting
  2. Upload video greeting as private content to YouTube (Google account required)
  3. Include a link to the video greeting when creating the voucher

Alternatively, you can use our ATLANTIC Hotels video greeting or hide the QR code using the “No video” option.

You can print the vouchers yourself after the ordering process. In addition, you will receive an email with your voucher (PDF) from us.

If you want to save the voucher to the wallet on your smartphone, you can use the pkpass-file.

Value query & digital filing

After the value query, you can save the voucher in the wallet of your smartphone.