Leisure & Activities
For body and soul

Leisure & Activities in Munich

The most beautiful market in Munich is literally at the feet of the LOUIS Hotel. It has been around since 1807, when it was still called "Kräutlmarkt" (herb market) and was a lot smaller. As it grew over the years and became more extensive, it began to be called Viktualienmarkt (the word "Viktualien" being a late Latin word for food).

Munich offers many sights, art & culture, sporting opportunities and beautiful nature. Explore all the opulence Munich has to offer with its traditional Bavarian atmosphere and historical background, making this city the ultimate destination for any travel lover.

Design is our credo - in keeping with this, very high-quality, cool e-bikes from the "BZEN" brand are available to our guests. These can be rented for a fee on a daily basis by appointment.